
Hmmm...where to start now? I still couldn't believe that a year has actually passed with a blink of eye. 5 more months and I'm going to finish my Cambridge A level. tell the truth, I don't know whether this should be something worth celebrating for or something to be tearing out despite of leaving ex-colleagues to be very soon...
I could still remember the whole scenario when I first came to college. "How am I supposed to live through this alone?" That's always the biggest questionnaire that popped out from my mind. What's more that I'm studying 'over the sea' alone; 100% strangers, 0% friends. It's just sad.
Day by day, month by month, percentage of friends increases gradually and the strangers......well, in otherwise! Haha....I'm really glad that I have chosen to study here. I'm just glad. All those scenes that only ought to be portrayed in the movies have been brought to life here. This surely makes my life here more interesting than ever. 

"Life is never a fairytale"

I guess that's the biggest lesson I learnt here. Surely, I bet all of us live in a wonderland-like world when we lived under our parent's wings. Thus, once we studied outside without our parents beside us to guide and protect us, everything seems to be so different and hard. Yup, it sure is! How many times have I thought of giving up everything and just go back. Engulfed by deep desperation and homesickness, tears accompanied me every night. They said, time is the best cure. Guess I have to agree with that. Time really helps me to go through all these miseries. Not forgotten too, circle of friends enlighten my days here too.

I've loved and I've hated. This makes me treasure more of all those unforgettable moments we spent together. Humans are just like actors playing each of their role on stage. Fate and destiny directed our paths. I'm really thankful that I've met you all.
So, I think this will be the final chapter of another stage of my life. Studying here in Taylor's College Subang Jaya is definitely the fateful choice I've made. Since small, I've always believe that there's an absolute reason behind every choice made. Therefore, I won't have any regret! And I anticipated for my upcoming university life. 
Thank you all for brightening my days here, peeps! I will never forget all the fun we had and HOPE TO MEET AGAIN IN FUTURE! 


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