Standing anxiously in the midst of people, awaiting for the one, my only person. The fact that I could actually SEE him in person remained unrealistic. It had been almost a year since we've been apart. Finally! The long awaited time had arrived!

6.10pm. A familiar figure walked towards me. Overjoyed, I embraced him. At that instance, all the tiresome disappeared. The days of missing him had came to an end. He had lost so much weight. Nonetheless, he still looked as striking as ever with his ever bright smile. We talked while holding tight to his hand.

It was a magical 17-days visit. We dated, argued, played and fought like any other couples. I appreciated all those moments, and in fact, blessed, as normally, we could only see each other via Skype in weekends and also through photos as well as video clips.

Initially, I thought that just by seeing him would be more than enough for me. But, eventually, I became greedy as days began to pass. The thought of separating with him once again threw me into a state of reluctance and sorrow. It seemed that the more I thought of it, the time tend to pass faster. Unable to endure it, I cried silently in the dawn, not wanting him to see it.

This morning, he had returned to his country, exactly 6 hours flight from here. The heartache could still be felt. After this reunion, I have missed him more and came to appreciate him more than ever. Even though it was a painful separation, we promised to meet again.

'If the days won't allow us to see each other, memories will, and
If my eyes couldn't see you, my heart will.'

Looking forward to our next reunion, DY.


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