Dreamy Dream

Heave a sigh~ pheeeww! Another day had just passed. It was just another ordinary nerd day, ending with a bookmark slipped in between the chapter that I just finished revising on.
Come to think of it, it had been almost a year since I started my university life as a medical student; rather an unpredictable choice... Archaelogy...well, keep dreaming on!
Day by day had passed. Without realising, I had been overriding the hectic schedules like a set robot. All those days were surprisingly boring and tired. From weekdays to weekends, other than sleeping and eating, piles of books accompanied me. Nothing more, nothing less.
When there's time to just sit down and relax, all I could think of was to have a good travel. Rather than flipping through the thick books, I desired to grasp the cool breeze while inhaling the fresh air. Rather than lying on a small stiff bed in the dorm, I desired to sprawl on a green wide field while staring up the endless blue sky. I want to experience this in a place where I know not a single soul and be just a merely sole traveler. It would definitely be the most mind relaxing and amazing trip.
During younger age, I tend to think that travel would be the best if it involved those close to you, preferably your loved ones and close friends. But, as time goes on, I came to understand that sometimes, it would be great to just go out and explore alone. Let go of everything that instant and just follow your instinct to experience what your heart tells you. Maybe there will be reluctance and regret but YOLO! You only live once. You are responsible for your own life. Make it an unforgettable life moment!
It made my day just by thinking of it. Maybe it's still quite early for me to think of it and most of all...it actually seemed unreachable for now as I'm still a budding medical student. But,  one day in near future, without looking back, I will just follow my heart and go out to explore the world, as a sole traveler.    


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